Dear PostGre developers,

I'm working on Windows XP SP2 (stack limit set to 3500 kb) and deployed successfully my Java application (doing some external Web service calling) inside PostGre 8.3.0.

Unfortunatelly, the application needs at least 3 Threads and will run for quite some time.

I found this comment

by Thomas Hallgren where he mentioned that PostGre only defines
one stack and therefor pl/java has no way of telling PostGre
about multiple thread stack pointers.

As far as I understand the situation, the check_stack_depth()
is used "just" to provide better stability/security?

I'm not concerned about stability at all - just want to get
my things running for a proof-of-concept research prototype :) My question is now if there is a patched version available of PostGre 8.3.0 having this stack_depth check disabled?
If so I would be very glad if you can point me to!

If not, can you tell me if

void check_stack_depth(void) in \src\backend\tcop\postgres.c

is the only place where to change something
(in my case just do nothing or report a warning)?

My C developer times are long gone but I would try to make a patched PostGre 
8.3 version



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