Phillip Jansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
> <html>
> Hi
> <p>I trying to compare oracle vs postgresql , so I&nbsp;have a table containing
> about 7.6 mil records but every time I&nbsp;try to do a simple select on
> the table it throws a core dump and segmentation fault. At first it returns
> "backend returns D&nbsp; before T" and then after a while it crashes.
> <br>I&nbsp;did run VACUUM ANALYZE and rebuild my indexes after I&nbsp;loaded
> the data.
> <p>Any ideas??
> <p>Phillip</html>

(1) Please don't send HTML-ified mail to the lists.

(2) You're running out of memory for the SELECT result on the client
side.  libpq is not presently very graceful about that, unfortunately.
But did you really want to retrieve all 7.6 million rows at once?

                        regards, tom lane

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