I just had an idea about how to create cross-field statistics, which could greatly improve the quality of estimates involving multiple conditions on one table. This is rather arm-wavy, but I wanted to at least get the idea out...

If we built a table via

CREATE TABLE moo AS SELECT i, i*2 AS j FROM generate_series(1,9999) i;

Then it would be nice if the planner produced the same estimate for all of these:

SELECT * FROM moo WHERE i>8888 AND j>8888*2;
SELECT * FROM moo WHERE i>8888 OR j>8888*2;
SELECT * FROM moo WHERE i>8888;
SELECT * FROM moo WHERE j>8888*2;

It only actually gets the last 2 correct (1117 rows, close enough to the actual 1111 rows). On my laptop, it guesses 125 for the AND case and 2109 for the OR case. The problem is that it doesn't know how closely i and j are related. But in this (contrived) example, it actually *could* make an inference between these two columns, because each field has a correlation of 1. That means that you can actually compute how much those two conditions will overlap by comparing how much they overlap in the histogram that's stored in pg_stats. As a first pass, it might be worth having the planner actually take this simple case into account.

For all the other fields, what if ANALYZE constructed artificial correlation orderings? We don't actually care about how well these artificial correlations correspond to physical table ordering, we only care about how many fields line up with a particular artificial ordering. What I'm proposing is that once we have our set of sample records in ANALYZE:

For each field that isn't already in a set of field groupings
 * Sort sample rows on that field
 * Calculate correlation for all other fields
* If there are other fields that have a correlation to this sort order over some threshold, save them along with the field we originally sorted on as a new 'field grouping' * Else, there are no other fields that group with this field; it's a "loner"

For each field grouping, at a minimum we'd need to store a histogram for that grouping. It might be worth looking at how things change when we sort on different fields in the grouping... the lower the correlation threshold used to identify groupings, the more variability there will be. I think we'd also want to consider how well each field in the grouping correlated to that grouping. It might also be worth iteratively dropping the correlation threshold and searching again for groupings. At some point we lose the ability to draw meaningful conclusion from the information, but I'd expect there's some way we can calculate epsilon for different groupings and take that into account with query plans.

The important thing is that this scheme adds less than O(n) (n being the number of fields), and not O(n^2), both in terms of ANALYZE (ok, maybe not entirely true since presumably we don't do any sorting there right now) and in terms of storing statistics. I'm not sure what it would do to the planner; the entire key there would be identifying field groupings that covered sets of fields in the WHERE clause.
Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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