On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:38 AM, Alvaro Herrera
> Brendan Jurd escribió:
>  > I wonder if we should namespace the CommitFest pages by year as well
>  > as month (i.e., move CommitFest:May to CommitFest:May2008).  This way,
>  > even after we've had a CommitFest:May in 2009/2010/etc., the history
>  > of the May 2008 CommitFest will still be easily viewable as a discrete
>  > item.
>  Agreed -- this same idea occurred to me some days ago, but I then forgot
>  it :-)  For now, it would be good to ensure that CommitFest:May is a
>  redirect to May2008.  (I think it would make sense to have a
>  CommitFest:Current redirect and perhaps CommitFest:Next.)

We may need to draw some kind of distinction between the "open"
commitfest (which is where developers should submit new patches) and
the "current" commitfest (which is where reviewers should be directing
their attention).

There'll be a substantial time period where the "open" and "current"
commitfests are the same thing, but, for example, when the May
commitfest closes for new submissions, it will still be the "current"
commitfest, but will no longer be the appropriate place for developers
to post their new patches (that will become July).

I've started thinking of a commitfest as moving through the following
stages in its lifetime:

 1. Future
 2. Open for submissions
 3. In progress (closed for submissions)
 4. Complete

We probably need to have the following redirects in place:

 * CommitFest:Current (for reviewers)
 * CommitFest:Open (for submitters)
 * CommitFest:Next

Suggestions for alternative (less ambiguous) nomenclature are welcome ...


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