On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:28:20 -0700
"Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why do we care, if the version matches? Not that I am feeling like
> fighting about it but it seems just a waste of bytes. It makes sense
> if the version doesn't match.
> Joshua D. Drake

Actually in thinking about this, this is what the patch does now:

If version matches:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pgsql/src/bin/psql$ ./psql -U jd -h localhost -p 9000
postgres Type: help for help. 

If version doesn't match:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pgsql/src/bin/psql$ ./psql -U jd -h localhost postgres

WARNING: Server 8.2, psql is version 8.4. Some psql features may not

Type: help for help. 

I understand Alvaro's point on the translation so no sweat, I will fix
that. What if I add the version to the help? With this patch if you
type help you get:

postgres=> help

You are using psql, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.

        For SQL help type \h or \help .
        For help using psql type \? .
        To quit psql type \q . 

        To view the copyright type \copyright . 


I could change that to:

You are using psql 8.2.7, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.

        For SQL help type \h or \help .
        For help using psql type \? .
        To quit psql type \q . 

        To view the copyright type \copyright . 

Does that make sense?


Joshua D. Drake

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