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On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Andrew Dunstan  wrote:
>  Before you come trolling on this (or any other) subject, please read the
> voluminous debates that have taken place about it. Apparently you think it's
> something we have never considered, which in light of the product we
> maintain would be more than remarkable.
>  Having done that, please endeavour to make an actual contribution to the
> discussion.

Hi Andrew,

Let's be fair.  It would be an almost impossible task to make any
sense of the archives on this topic without dedicating tens of hours
to the task, and having access to a better way of reading the archives
than is offered at archives.postgresql.org.

Raphaël, there have indeed been vast debates about this.  My version
of the "executive summary" would be that some people want a tracker,
some people think email is good enough, and the people who do want a
tracker have different opinions about which tracker would be best for
the project.  There's a wiki page about the (daunting) set of features
which would be required in a tracker to make everybody happy[1].

We are currently experimenting with using a wiki page to organise our
queue of patches[2], and there has been some effort to set up a test
bugzilla installation[3] but as yet there has been no viable consensus
as to adopting a particular tracker.


[1] http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/TrackerDiscussion
[2] http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/CommitFest:May
[3] http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tracker:BugzillaTest

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