On Mon, Apr 2, 2007 at 2:44 AM, Phil Currier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/1/07, Guillaume Smet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Phil, did you make any progress with your patch?  Your results seemed
> > very encouraging and your implementation interesting.
> > IIRC, the problem was that you weren't interested in working on the
> > "visual/mysqlish" column ordering. As the plan was to decouple column
> > ordering in three different orderings, I don't think it's really a
> > problem if your implementation doesn't support one of them (at least
> > if it doesn't prevent us from having the visual one someday).
> >
>  I haven't done much with it since February, largely because my
>  available free time evaporated.  But I do intend to get back to it
>  when I have a chance.  But you're right, the storage position stuff
>  I've worked on is completely independent from display positions, and
>  certainly wouldn't prevent that being added separately.
> > Is there any chance you keep us posted with your progress and post a
> > preliminary patch exposing your design choices? This could allow other
> > people to see if there are interesting results with their particular
> > database and workload.
> >
>  Yeah, I'll try to clean things up and post a patch eventually.  And if
>  anyone feels like working on the display position piece, let me know;
>  perhaps we could pool our efforts for 8.4.

Hi Phil,

Did you make any progress on this cleanup? It seems like a good timing
to revive this project if we want it for 8.4.

Thanks for your feedback.


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