On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:52 AM, KaiGai Kohei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom, Thanks for your reviewing.
>> The patch hasn't got a mode in which SELinux support is compiled in but
>> not active.  This is a good way to ensure that no one will ever ship
>> standard RPMs with the feature compiled in, because they will be entirely
>> nonfunctional for people who aren't interested in setting up SELinux.
>> I think you need an "enable_sepostgres" GUC, or something like that.
>> (Of course, the overhead of the per-row security column would probably
>> discourage anyone from wanting to use such a configuration anyway,
>> so maybe the point is moot.)
> We can turn on/off SELinux globally, not bounded to SE-PostgreSQL.
> The reason why I didn't provide a mode bit like "enable_sepostgresql"
> is to keep consistency in system configuration.

Hmm, I think ACE should be a CREATE DATABASE parameter.

If I were to create a SE-database I would wish that disabling it was
more difficult than changing a GUC in database.  And being able to
set it on per-database basis would help get SE/ACE enabled by

Solving [site load issues] with [more database replication] is a lot
like solving your own personal problems with heroin - at first it
sorta works, but after a while things just get out of hand.

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