Hi there,

I'm currently looking at a bug report in PostGIS where we are getting extremely long index scan times querying an index in one case, but the same scan can take much less time if the input geometry is calculated as the result of another function.

First of all, I include the EXPLAIN ANALYZE of the basic query which looks like this:

postgis=# explain analyze select count(*) from geography where centroid && (select the_geom from geography where id=69495);

Aggregate (cost=7157.29..7157.30 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=2691.783..2691.784 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on geography (cost=0.00..7149.00 rows=1 width=4559) (actual time=60.987..61.373 rows=1 loops=1)
           Filter: (id = 69495::numeric)
-> Index Scan using geography_geom_centroid_idx on geography (cost=0.00..8.28 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=79.241..2645.722 rows=32880 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (centroid && $0)
         Filter: (centroid && $0)
 Total runtime: 2692.288 ms
(8 rows)

The only real thing to know about the query is that the id field within the geography table is a primary key, and hence only a single geometry is being returned from within the subselect. Note that most of the time is disappearing into the index scan.

Where things start getting really strange is when we add an extra function called force_2d() into the mix. All this function does is scan through the single geometry returned from the subselect and remove any 3rd dimension coordinates. Now the resulting EXPLAIN ANALYZE for this query looks like this:

postgis=# explain analyze select count(*) from geography where centroid && (select force_2d(the_geom) from geography where id=69495);

Aggregate (cost=7157.29..7157.30 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=343.004..343.005 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on geography (cost=0.00..7149.00 rows=1 width=4559) (actual time=48.714..49.016 rows=1 loops=1)
           Filter: (id = 69495::numeric)
-> Index Scan using geography_geom_centroid_idx on geography (cost=0.00..8.28 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=49.367..235.296 rows=32880 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (centroid && $0)
         Filter: (centroid && $0)
 Total runtime: 343.084 ms
(8 rows)

So by adding in an extra function around the subselect result, we have speeded up the index lookup by several orders of magnitude, and the speedup appears to be coming from somewhere within the index scan?! I've spent a little bit of time playing with this and it seems even writing a function to return a copy of the input function is enough. Here is my test function below:

        PG_LWGEOM *pgl = (PG_LWGEOM *)
        void *mem;

        /* Copy somewhere else */
        mem = palloc(VARSIZE(pgl));
        memcpy(mem, pgl, VARSIZE(pgl)-VARHDRSZ);


        RETURNS geometry
        AS '$libdir/lwpostgis','LWGEOM_mcatest'
        LANGUAGE 'C';

And then here is the resulting EXPLAIN ANALYZE:

postgis=# explain analyze select count(*) from geography where centroid && (select mcatest(the_geom) from geography where id=69495);

Aggregate (cost=7157.29..7157.30 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=283.126..283.127 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on geography (cost=0.00..7149.00 rows=1 width=4559) (actual time=48.712..49.040 rows=1 loops=1)
           Filter: (id = 69495::numeric)
-> Index Scan using geography_geom_centroid_idx on geography (cost=0.00..8.28 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=49.321..215.524 rows=32880 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (centroid && $0)
         Filter: (centroid && $0)
 Total runtime: 283.221 ms
(8 rows)

Unfortunately I can't seem to work out why the extra time is disappearing into the index scan when my extra mcatest() function is not present, especially as sprof doesn't seem to want to run at the moment :( I'm wondering if it's related to either excess TOAST/palloc/pfree somewhere in the code, but I'd definitely appreciate any pointers.

All these tests were done using PostgreSQL 8.3.1 and the latest PostGIS SVN.

Many thanks,


Mark Cave-Ayland
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
T: +44 870 608 0063

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