I have been working on a project (for GSOC) to retrieve planner/optimizer details. As part of the project, I need machine parsable output. So, I thought I would dust off a patch I found from last year that Germán Caamaño submitted. I didn't see any further activity there so I integrated it into 8.4 and added a DTD.

The output below is generated by using the added flag 'XML' to the EXPLAIN command. The DTD probably wouldn't be needed for every output instance and may need its own flag.

I am coming up to speed on the planner internals, but it seems like this first EXPLAIN XML concept may have some use. Are there any strong opinions about the XML hierarchy? Is it enough to simply wrap the text output from EXPLAIN with XML tags?

-Tom Raney

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE explain
<!ELEMENT explain (plan+) >
<!ELEMENT plan (table?, cost, qualifier?) >
<!ELEMENT qualifier EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST explain
   version CDATA  #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST plan
   name CDATA     #REQUIRED
   level CDATA    #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST cost
   startup CDATA  #REQUIRED
   total CDATA    #REQUIRED
   rows CDATA     #REQUIRED
   width CDATA    #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST table
   name CDATA     #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST qualifier
   value CDATA #REQUIRED >

<explain version="8.4devel">
<plan name="Seq Scan" level="0">
  <table name="tenk1"/>
  <cost startup="0.00" total="445.00" rows="10000" width="244" />
(32 rows)

Greg Smith wrote:
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

For debugging the planner work I'm about to do, I'm expecting it will be
useful to be able to get EXPLAIN to print the targetlist of each plan
node, not just the quals (conditions) as it's historically done.

I've heard that some of the academic users of PostgreSQL were hoping to add features in this area in order to allow better using planner internals for educational purposes. It would be nice if that were available for such purposes without having to recompile.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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