
At the developer meeting, we determined that one thing needed to speed up the commitfests is a list of people who were available to review assigned patches, and someone to do the assigning. Well, for July I'm the assignor, and I'm looking for some assignees. Here's how it will work:

July 1: commitfest starts.
July 7: reviewer assignment, 1st round
July 10: reviewer assignment, 2nd round
July 15 (hopefully): commitfest complete.

Reviewer assgnment: I look over the list of submitted patches and see which ones aren't getting attention. shared_buffer fashion, I start assigning them round-robin from the people our "pool" of reviewers who haven't already taken on patches. I'll e-mail you with a patch I want you to review, and you will accept or reject the assignment promptly. I'll continue this until everything is assigned.

So, can everyone who is qualified to be part of the pool please put your name on the RRR list?



--Josh Berkus

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