* David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080710 11:34]:

> > Yep.  People can already clone the master Pg trunk, and start from
> > there to build patches.  If they use their *private* repos for this,
> > awesome -- they have complete history.  If they want other
> > developers to chime in with further patches, they just need to
> > publish their repos,
> Publishing those repos is easiest on git.postgresql.org.

Obviously not, but let's hope that the current situation changes ;-)

But that has nothing to do with the original "point of this repo"
question WRT the recursive patch.

> > and let other clone them.  Then, they can pull from those other
> > repos, or allow others to push.
> Again, git.postgresql.org is good for this and other places are not
> for reasons I've mentioned before.
And I've not been convinced by them before either ;-)

> It's not about centralizing, but about letting a bunch of people
> publish their changes to the same spot without being committers on the
> Postgres project.

But thank's to GIT, that "same spot" is irrelevant ;-)

I do think that git.postgresql.org can have value.  But I think it's
value is directly related (or more correctly *derived*) from the
work that's happening by developers *using* git, and the use of git for
development is a necessary prerequisite for publishing that development.
They don't even have to be publishing to git.postgresql.org for
git.postgresql.org to benefit form that development (because git is
If development isn't happening with git, and git.postgresql.org is only
a set of mirrors of CVS+patches, then I don't see *any* value of

I'm pretty confident that git.postgresql.org won't *remain* valueless,
because I'm pretty confident that git really is a tool that many
developers will come to use...

But if you're new to git, *I* think your time would be better spent
doing actual development using git than trying to "manage" git
repositories and just mirror CVS+patches.  As you learn GIT, tracking
CVS+patches will be something you pretty much "just do", and forget your
actually doing.  Publishing repos will also become something you "just
do" and forget your actually doing....

But I really do think you need to worry about *using* git before you
worry about *publishing* with git, especially if you're new to git, and
have have fuzzy ideas about CVS still as your idea/framework for that
publishing ;-)

But all that's only my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt, or
another pint ;-)


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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