On Jul 16, 2008, at 11:20, Robert Treat wrote:

I was thinking about this a bit last night and wanted to fill things
out a bit.

As a programmer, I find Donald Fraser's hindsight to be more
appealing, because at least that way I have the option to do matching
against CITEXT strings case-sensitively when I want to.

OTOH, if what we want is to have CITEXT work more like a case-
insensitive collation, then the expectation from the matching
operators and functions might be different. Does anyone have any idea
whether regex and LIKE matching against a string in a case- insensitive collation would match case-insensitively or not? If so, then maybe the
regex and LIKE ops and funcs *should* match case-insensitively? If
not, or if only for some collations, then I would think not.

Either way, I know of no way, currently, to allow functions like
replace(), split_part(), strpos(), and translate() to match case-
insensitiely, even if we wanted to. Anyone have any ideas?

* If the answer is "no", how can I make those functions behave case-
insensitively? (See the "TODO" tests.)

* Should there be any other casts? To and from name, perhaps?

AIUI, your propsing the following:

select 'x'::citext = 'X'::citext;
(1 row)

select 'x'::citext ~ 'X'::citext;
(1 row)

I understand the desire for flexibility, but the above seems wierd to me.

That's what Donald Fraser suggested, and I see some value in that, but wanted to get some other opinions. And you're right, that does seem a bit weird.

The trouble is that, right now:

template1=# select regexp_replace( 'fxx'::citext, 'X'::citext, 'o');
(1 row)

So there's an inconsistency there. I don't know how to make that work case-insensitively.



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