> Sorry for writting to you but I can´t go further because we are having
> trouble trying to set multibyte in our environment. When I tried to run
> ./configure --enable-multibyte=LATIN2 and after this gmake, I receive lots
> of errors and I don´t know how to proceed. I´m from Brazil and I´m using
> slackware 7.2 english.

What kind of errors are you having exactly?

> When I´m using a normal user at tty and set LC_ALL="pt_BR" everything works
> and I can write all the characters in our language.
> The problem is when I was accessing the database with a window$ machine and
> I write somo characters, when I close my application and open it again, this
> characteres are different, Á becomes # and so on.
> Please help me because we have lots of people trying not to use linux here
> and everything is a moto to don´t use it.
> Thank you very much!
> Regards,
> Neme Adas Neto
> Sao Paulo - Brazil

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