On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> Alex Pilosov writes:
> > > I'm not so convinced on that idea.  Assume you're dropping object foo.
> > > You look at pg_depend and see that objects 145928, 264792, and 1893723
> > > depend on it.  Great, what do you do now?
> > I believe someone else previously suggested this:
> >
> > drop <type> object [RESTRICT | CASCADE]
> >
> > to make use of dependency info.
> That was me.  The point, however, was, given object id 145928, how the
> heck to you know what table this comes from?

You have three columns, depender, dependee, and the third the oid of the
entry of pg_class describing what the depender is. Oh, actually you'd
probably need four columns, depender, dependee, depender in pg_class, and
dependee in pg_class.

Take care,


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