On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Alvaro Herrera
> Alvaro Herrera escribió:
>> They did not merge with the text, but they were not searchable.  May I
>> suggest using the text "[easy]" and "[done]" instead?  That way, it is
>> searchable, and they don't merge with the text.
> I just made this change.  What I now notice is that both markers are
> visually not very different.  I don't know if this is something worth
> fussing about.  (Maybe the addition of icons as Brendan was suggesting
> would be sufficient visual clue.)

Based on the feedback so far, I have tried for a "best of both worlds"
approach.  The markers now include icons, which gives us visual
distinctiveness, and I've abbreviated the labels to "[D]" and "[E]",
which makes it very easy to search.

I agreed with Bruce that it was a shame the markers bumped the actual
item text over to the right.  It looked uneven.  So I applied a bit of
CSS-fu and got the markers to appear to the left of the items.  They
now appear in a similar fashion to the bullets in an unordered list.


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