Have you done anything special to your mingw install?

The only thing different is that I upgraded to the latest mingw and msys packages a couple of weeks ago. The other thing I can think of is that I installed openssl and related packages (the official ones from the msys project). Would that force ENABLE_SSPI to be set or is it always set (and is it set in the build farm)?

Second, once I've successfully built and installed postgres, I run into
a bigger problem.  When using initdb, I get this error:

creating template1 database in c:/Data/postgres30/base/1 ... FATAL:
could not create shared memory segment: 5
DETAIL:  Failed system call was CreateFileMapping(size=1802240,

A bit of googling and reading MSDN docs shows that applications that
don't run in Session 0 on Vista are not allowed to create shared memory
in the Global namespace.  Since initdb is invoked from the command line,
it runs in Session 1.

Where did you find that information? I've been specifically looking for
it, but my searches didn't turn up anything conclusive.

Yeah, information is scattered and came mostly through reading MSDN forum posts. It seems a number of people have been bitten by this change to createFileMapping in Vista. My searches:


In particular, the session 0 information is documented at:



The name can have a "Global\" or "Local\" prefix  to explicitly create the
 object in the global or session namespace...creating a file mapping object
 in the global namespace from a session other than session zero requires
 the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege privilege.

And more here:


And this blog post might be helpful:


Towards the bottom it says:

Additionally, of course, we need to create everything with the appropriate security
attributes. Null Dacls don't grant global access in Vista, so we need to create a real security descriptior and add an ACE with GENERIC_ALL privileges for the world SID.

So - clearly initdb needs the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege permission. But I gave the user that runs initdb that permission using the Local Security Policy Editor, so something else is going on. My first guess was that the initdb code had to also request that permission also, but that theory seems unlikely to be correct since the official win32 binaries seem to work fine (I'm assuming they are the exact same code??)

The latest versions contain a fix for the global namespace code. Dave
noticed that this caused issues on vista and thus manually reverted the
patch in the official binary installer. But since we haven't (hadn't)
yet found documentation as to *why* it was failing, the patch has not
yet been reverted in the main source tree.

This is why it's working, probably, and it's not related to how it's built.

Ah - so the trunk code is different than the binary release code? That would explain it. And in that case, then maybe the solution is setting up the security descriptor for calling createFileMapping?

If you want to revert the patch in your local tree, this is the one:

Specifically, you can reintroduce the old bug (that I think is hat made
it work on Vista) by removing the +18 in the lowest loop there.

Ok, I just reverted the whole patch (so all 4 changes), did a make clean ; make; make install. And no dice, I'm still having the same issue.



Charlie Savage

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