"Greg Sabino Mullane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> DefineType currently always sets the array's typdelim to ',', so I
>> figured that the built-in types should match that.  But we could
>> easily change both of them to do the other.  Thoughts?

> I'd slightly lean towards keeping it the way it has been (semicolon in both),
> since it doesn't matter to the backend, and who knows what else it may break.

Well, the problem is that we'd *not* be keeping it the same for
user-defined types.  But the odds that that's really an issue are
admittedly small.

I thought of an argument for changing to array-uses-element's-typdelim,
though.  If we ever go over to a scheme where arrays are one-dimensional
and you build up N-dimensional arrays using arrays of array objects
(where the outer array treats the inner as a black box), then we would
need the typdelims to match to preserve the current I/O behavior.
I'm not really enamored of making such a change myself, but I seem to
recall a couple of people advocating for it.

So, if no objections I'll revert the change to _box's typdelim and
change DefineType to copy the element typdelim to the array type.

                        regards, tom lane

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