While making a complex database back-end, I have at-hand about 200 odd
functions and frankly 'management of functions' is already getting quite
tedious. Since the count is certain to rise, I am looking for a good tool to
do this.

By management, I guess I am looking at some kind of tagging mechanism, where
it could keep stored a list of tags for each function (tags that I provide,
for each new function created) and it be able to provide a comfortable way
of searching/browsing through the list.

Originally, I also wished that this could allow me to see whether a given
function directly (or indirectly) 'can' change the database, but I guess the
'Volatile' function type suffices my need there. The problem with that is
that I still can't see a function's volatility alongside a list of
functions. Now making a front-end in PHP seems a few days of work, and
although not impossible, I wondered whether this has already been done.

How do you manage large list of functions (where a hard segregation isn't
hard and therefore one can't separate functions based on schemas) ?Any
pointers to a Free or Commercial tool would be of immense help.

Robins Tharakan

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