Seems to me there's a bug in HEAD (and probably old branches
as well) when compiled with HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP.  As shown below
It sometimes shows things like "-6.-70 secs" where 8.3
showed "-6.70 secs".

I think the attached one-liner patch fixes this, as well as
another roundoff regression between HEAD and 8.3.

  Ron Mayer

regression=#  set datestyle to sql;
regression=#  select '-10 mons -3 days +03:55:06.70'::interval;
 @ 10 mons 3 days -3 hours -55 mins -6.-70 secs ago
(1 row)

regression=# select '1 year 2 mons 3 days 04:05:06.699999'::interval;
 @ 1 year 2 mons 3 days 4 hours 5 mins 6.69 secs
(1 row)

== ON 8.3
pg83=#  set datestyle to sql;
pg83=# select '-10 mons -3 days +03:55:06.70'::interval;
 @ 10 mons 3 days -3 hours -55 mins -6.70 secs ago
(1 row)

pg83=#  select '1 year 2 mons 3 days 04:05:06.699999'::interval;
 @ 1 year 2 mons 3 days 4 hours 5 mins 6.70 secs
(1 row)
*** a/src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c
*** 3791,3797 **** EncodeInterval(struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t fsec, int style, char *str)
  					is_before = TRUE;
  				sprintf(cp, "%s%d.%02d secs", is_nonzero ? " " : "",
! 						tm->tm_sec, ((int) sec) / 10000);
  				cp += strlen(cp);
  				fsec += tm->tm_sec;
--- 3791,3797 ----
  					is_before = TRUE;
  				sprintf(cp, "%s%d.%02d secs", is_nonzero ? " " : "",
! 						tm->tm_sec, (int) abs(rint(sec / 10000.0)));
  				cp += strlen(cp);
  				fsec += tm->tm_sec;
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