Thanks. Now the header file include issues resolved. I fetch the latest code
and no such issues.

But I found new issues now.  (the latest code from cvs)
1. file : contrib\fuzzystrmatch\dmetaphone.c,
  line: 1040 and line: 464, both look like as below,
  case '?:
  There is no the matched single quote, and the content is repeated. This
cause build always failed for fuzzystrmatch.

2. I can't find the debug version libraries of libxml and libxslt, zlib,
iconv.  And failed to build it on windows platform respectively.
Thus I can't build the debug version of postgresql8.4dev.

Could the depend libraries (release and debug version) and header files be
tar balled in a place?

Is there any way?

2008/10/6 Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Do you mean the include order of Platform SDK possibly influenced the
> >> build result?
> > it could be. At first look ISTM that the error comes from not finding
> > the definition of HANDLE, which is certainly very central to the
> > Platform SDK.
> You should be looking at the first few errors.  I'm suspicious that a
> system include file isn't being found where expected.  Some compilers
> will bull ahead anyway, but a huge number of consequent errors can be
> expected if the needed declarations haven't been read ...
>                        regards, tom lane

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