On Oct 11, 2008, at 4:05 AM, ITAGAKI Takahiro wrote:
I'd like to submit pg_stat_statements contrib module, that counts up
incoming statements in shared memory and summarizes the result as a view.
It is just a statements-version of pg_stat_user_functions.


I attach WIP version of the module. auto_explain.patch is also required
because the module uses a new version DefineCustomVariable.
http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The module allocates fixed share memory at the server start and store
statements statistics in it. On out of memory, least recently used
statements are discarded.

How hard would it be to dump this information to a table, or some other more-permanent form of storage? Of course there would need to be some means of cleaning that up over time, but if it's a simple table you can DELETE from, we could put the burden on the users to do that on occasion (I believe Oracle does something similar). It would also be good to periodically save everything to the table so that data wasn't completely lost on a crash.

I'm concerned because ISTM that in a high velocity environment you'd over-run shared memory pretty quickly if you had a lot of different queries you were running.

Of course, someone could always just setup a cron job to grab the stats once a minute, so if this greatly complicates the patch I wouldn't worry about it.
Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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