On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Zeugswetter Andreas OSB sIT
>> The user running initdb (or the postmaster) needs
>> SeCreateGlobalPrivilege - which is something we cannot really start
> Why not ? Doesn't the pg installer already tweak the permissions of the
> installation user. On XP you can connect to session 0, so that is an 
> alternative on XP.

It does, but that's not the user running initdb.

>> the global namespace is there to ensure things work as they should
>> under a non-console terminal services session - which is pretty rare
>> and can usually be avoided.
> Hm? non-console is the default for remote, and all you can get in Vista/2008 
> and up.

I didn't realise you couldn't get console on Vista/2K8. Guess I've
spent too much time on Macs in the last couple of years :-)

> The reason it should be in the Global namespace is that shmem is one part of
> detecting an existing postmaster. Especially in situations where the db is 
> started
> by hand, the protection against duplicate startup is important.

Yeah, as Magnus reminded me.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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