On Oct 23, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Works fine for me, eg

I think he's looking for something like:
 5 IN (col1,col2,col3)
resulting in a bitmap or of three index scans of three different indexes on
col1, col2, and col3.

Ah, I see.  It would be easy to make transformAExprIn() generate an OR
tree instead of = ANY(ARRAY[]), if we could figure out the conditions
where an OR tree is superior.  I'm not sure it's easy to tell though.
Is it sufficient to do this when there are Vars on the right side and
none on the left?

There's 6 cases here, in a 2x3 array. In one dimension, the LHS can be either a Var or a fixed value. In the other dimension, the three possibilities are 1: everything on the RHS is a fixed value, 2: some fixed, some not, 3: everything on the RHS is a variable:

                  1          2         3
              ------ Right Hand Side -------
A: LHS fixed  All fixed   Mixture   All var.
B: LHS var.   All fixed   Mixture   All var.

For A2 and A3, an OR is probably best. There's no way I can think of to optimize A3 with an array, and with A2 you could get lucky and hit something like 1 = 1. Hopefully the planner would check all the fixed cases first.

For A1, an array might be best; it depends on if it's cheaper to build a huge OR clause and evaluate, or to iterate through the array, and that could depend on the number of terms.

B1 might actually be similar to A1... was testing done to see if ORs were faster for a small number of elements?

For B3, the only use-case I can think of is comparing fields within a record, and I can't see that resulting in a really large number of terms (which would presumabbly favor an array). But if you turned it into ORs, the planner could decide that it's better to use an index on some/all of the terms on the RHS. That could end up being far faster than using an array. An example would be field_in_small_table IN ( field_a_in_large_table, field_b_in_large_table, field_c_in_large_table ).

One final note: A2 and B2 could be treated as a combination. Treat all the RHS fixed values as you would A1/B1, treat all the RHS variables as you would A3/B3, and OR the results.

Ideally, the planner would understand the costs associated with how many terms are involved and would act accordingly. But I don't know that we can make it accurate enough to do that.

I think that the A3 and B3 cases should always be OR'd. Treating as an array just ties the planner's hands too much.

Presumably A1/B1 should be done with arrays, otherwise we wouldn't have moved away from ORs to begin with.

That leaves the mixed RHS case. If it's cheap to just split things into two piles (fixed RHS vs variable RHS) then that's probably the way to go. Ideally, each condition would then be estimated separately, and the executor would favor executing the cheaper one first.
Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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