Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> (2) sorting the pending patches by complexity or subject matter

> Sorting them by complexity would be great, if I thought I could do it.  I'm 
> not sure I can.

We organized them by subject matter (or code area, really) in a couple
of the earlier fests.  I thought that was helpful then.  On the other
hand, the September fest didn't seem to break down that way.  Until we
see the final list it's hard to say how November will shake out.

Earlier today I had a different thought about how to sort things early
in the fest.  I think that there is a strong temptation to finish off
the "simple" patches quickly so as to reduce the size of the list ---
I know I've done that and I think others have too.  The trouble with
simple-first is that problematic patches get left till later, which
means that their authors don't have as much time to respond to any
criticisms that may ultimately be forthcoming.  I think it'd be a good
idea to intentionally try to focus on difficult patches early, so that
they can be bounced back to their authors with useful criticism while
there's still time to do something in response.  Not sure about details
of this, but seems like a process issue that we ought to consider.

                        regards, tom lane

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