On 2008-11-02, at 02:02, Greg Smith wrote:

Possible feedback topics:

-Setting the next round of values requires asking the user for some input before making recommendations. Is it worth building a curses- based interface to updating the values? That would be really helpful for people with only ssh access to their server, but barring something like WCurses I'm not sure it would help on Windows.

-How about a GUI one with Python's Tkinter interface? Now Windows isn't a problem, but people using ssh aren't going to be as happy.
create interface , and module/library - that doesn't 1:1 reflect GUI - and you'll be able to create interface in any language/toolkit.

Idea's great, I certainly know many ppl would love to see something like that. Cos so far, whole 'adjust setting in postgresql.conf' thing is a guess work. It would be even more good to put in some work into auto tuning of pgsql itself, with manual override in postgresql.conf :) (kinda like mssql).

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