Bernd Helmle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> * We really should error out when trying to copy into the same tablespace 
> the database already lives in.

No, I think that should just be a no-op.  We don't for instance throw
error when you ALTER OWNER to the existing owner.

> * The current implementation cannot merge a tablespace used by some 
> database objects already, for example:

Hmm --- there's more there than meets the eye.  To handle that case
correctly, you'd have to go into the DB's pg_class and change the
recorded tablespace for those objects to zero.  (Fail to do so, and
you've got a mess when you move the DB to yet another tablespace.)

I tend to agree that throwing an error is sufficient, as long as it's
a clear error message.

                        regards, tom lane

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