> I think though that the case for doing so is pretty good.  "MCVs" that
> are beyond the K'th entry can't possibly have frequencies greater than
> 1/K, and in most cases it'll be a lot less.  So the incremental
> contribution to the accuracy of the join selectivity estimate drops off
> pretty quickly, I should think.  And it's not like we're ignoring the
> existence of those values entirely --- we'd just be treating them as if
> they are part of the undifferentiated collection of non-MCV values.
> It might be best to stop when the frequency drops below some threshold,
> rather than taking a fixed number of entries.

OK, I'll bite.  How do we decide where to put the cutoff?  If we make
it too high, it will have a negative effect on join selectivity
estimates; if it's too low, it won't really address the problem we're
trying to fix.  I randomly propose p = 0.001, which should limit
eqjoinsel() to about a million equality tests in the worst case.  In
the synthetic example we were just benchmarking, that causes the
entire MCV array to be tossed out the window (which feels about


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