On Wed, 31 Dec 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

No one has asked for access to individual components of the version string, other than the PG version number itself, which we already dealt with.

I think I'm now up to having wrote something to break apart the output from version() into individual fields for 3 different companies. If you're got a bunch of database servers on a network, it seems inevitable that eventually you'll end up collecting information about them via queries against port 5432 for managing everything, and the output from version() always ends up on that hotlist. I'd bet the only reason this hasn't been a specific TODO request before is because it is relatively easy (albeit fragile) to parse it out manually.

There are also some use cases related to writing tuning tools, where for example the platform bit size determines what range some settings can reach. Again, you can just parse it out if that starts being included, but it would be cleaner to grab just that one piece. (Right now I just look at the maximum value for one of the settings I know changes size to figure that out when this pops up)

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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