"Dave Page" <dp...@pgadmin.org> writes:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com> 
> wrote:
>> Well its really nobody's fault except the hacker that didn't step up to
>> do the work. I believe all hackers have already been working diligently.

> They have - but I see no reason why an imperfect process should delay
> the hard work of developers getting into the hands of users that want
> it for 12 months or more.

How is it that this argument applies only to work not yet done, as
opposed to work that was already done and committed over the past 12

> It'll annoy users and potentially alienate
> important developers - and there are few enough of them able to work
> on features of this complexity as it is.

Well, we can alienate developers who get annoyed because we won't slip
the schedule for their convenience, or we can alienate the ones who met
the agreed-on schedule and don't get to see their work shipped in a
timely fashion.

Really it was possible to foresee this coming months ago.
We knew when we posted
that it was very ambitious to hope for working replication in 8.4.
Then basically nothing happened all summer; Simon didn't ramp up
his effort until around September IIRC.  He's done yeoman work
since then, but it can hardly be surprising that we're faced with
a slip-or-cut-the-feature decision now.

                        regards, tom lane

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