Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
Yep, I ran them already, and as you wrote, I'm getting 3 errors (tsearch
tests + foreign_data test).

 And then use your language skills to determine what the correct
behavior is. ;-)

SKIES would be skıes (dotless i).
Here is the conversion table:

I (capital) <-> ı İ (capital <-> i

I think the test show that there is a bug in the tsearch support for Turkish. Here is the test diff:

--- expected/tsearch.out        2008-10-18 12:56:29.000000000 +0300
+++ results/tsearch.out 2009-01-19 16:26:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -962,38 +962,38 @@
 SELECT to_tsvector('SKIES My booKs');
- 'books':3 'my':2 'skies':1
+ 'books':3 'my':2 'skIes':1
 (1 row)
[and more of the same]

This is not correct under either Turkish or non-Turkish language rules.

Note that

postgres=# select lower('SKIES');
(1 row)

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