On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Ron Mayer
<rm...@cheapcomplexdevices.com> wrote:
> I realize in the current system (emailed patches), this would be a horrible
> pain to maintain such a branch; but perhaps some of the burden could be
> pushed down to the patch submitters (asking them to merge their own changes
> into this merged branch).   And I hate bringing up the version control
> flame war again; but git really would make this easier.   If all patches
> were on their own branches; the painful merges into this shared branch
> would be rare, as the source control system would remember the painful
> parts of the merges.

There has been enough experimentation with git usage during the 8.4
process that I expect that enough wisdom is getting collected to let
people start taking further steps on this.

I would think it a giant disaster to try to change anything at this
point, when we're amidst simply assessing whether or not we're
trending towards having an 8.4 yet, but if people can report concrete
benefits from git usage, that will make it *way* easier to argue in
favour of change.
George Burns  - "You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old."

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