Olivier Thauvin wrote:

I am the packager of postgresql for mandriva, and I receive this bug to


postgresql8.3-contribe missed some files like uuid-ossp.sql

Description of problem:
uuid-ossp was not found in the .spec file

By take a look in the /contrib/README file, some items are missed
intagg intarray spi start-scripts xml2 (libxml2 ?)


I just check, and trully, files provided in contrib, mainly *.sql, are
not installed during %make install from contrib/ subdirectory.

Is this an error ? a mistake ? If this should be fix, can you provide a
patch quickly (before I release 8.3.6 :) ?

Thanks by advance.

It's up to you to decide what you want packaged, not us. For example, as a packager, you surely don't want to use our initscript - you should be using one that is appropriate for your distro. All the other packagers manage to make these decisions. Maybe you would get some inspiration from the spec files used by other RPM based distros.



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