Andrew Chernow wrote:
At this point I like Merlin's proposal of a third parameter value to
PQinitSSL the best.

I'm not opposed to it, although I don't think it is as clean as a new function.

Also, this definition feels a bit wrong --- it's not possible for
all four cases to be valid, is it?

Yes it is.

PQinitSSLExtended(0, 0); // don't init anything, PQinitSSL(0)
PQinitSSLExtended(1, 0); // init ssl, don't init crypto
PQinitSSLExtended(0, 1); // don't init ssl, init crypto
PQinitSSLExtended(1, 1); // init both, default behavior, PQinitSSL(1)

Maybe the argument to PQinitSSLExtended should be a bit mask, making this version more extendable ... PG_INITSSL, PG_INITCRYPTO?

Also, how about calling this PQinitSecure(int flags), since SSL is only one thing it can init. This is just like merlin's suggestion but without hacking the existing PQinitSSL.

Andrew Chernow
eSilo, LLC
every bit counts

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