
I found this today. Note, auto vacuum has been disabled for this
relation for a very, very long time. At the very end you will see that
this relation has been autovacuumed previously as well. We have a manual
cron to vacuum this table every hour so I am unsure why autovacuum is
doing what it is doing.

app=# select * from pg_autovacuum where vacrelid = '21474846';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------
vacrelid         | 21474846
enabled          | f
vac_base_thresh  | 0
vac_scale_factor | 0
anl_base_thresh  | 0
anl_scale_factor | 0
vac_cost_delay   | 0
vac_cost_limit   | 0
freeze_min_age   | 0
freeze_max_age   | 0

-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------------------------------
datid         | 41824
datname       | bar
procpid       | 23019
usesysid      | 10
usename       | postgres
current_query | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.foo
waiting       | t
xact_start    | 2009-02-13 15:02:04.938608-05
query_start   | 2009-02-13 15:02:04.938608-05
backend_start | 2009-02-13 15:01:29.001314-05
client_addr   | 
client_port   | 

1 ]--+---------------------------------------------------------------------
relname        | foo
relnamespace   | 2200
reltype        | 21474848
relowner       | 16388
relam          | 0
relfilenode    | 83717977
reltablespace  | 53723308
relpages       | 200675
reltuples      | 1.47796e+06
reltoastrelid  | 83717991
reltoastidxid  | 0
relhasindex    | t
relisshared    | f
relkind        | r
relnatts       | 13
relchecks      | 3
reltriggers    | 7
relukeys       | 0
relfkeys       | 0
relrefs        | 0
relhasoids     | f
relhaspkey     | t
relhasrules    | f
relhassubclass | t
relfrozenxid   | 1921217148
relacl         |
reloptions     | 

app=# select * from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 'freq_mesg';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
relid            | 21474846
schemaname       | public
relname          | foo
seq_scan         | 1782558
seq_tup_read     | 466560347
idx_scan         | 645524149
idx_tup_fetch    | 954031368
n_tup_ins        | 772875
n_tup_upd        | 3594780
n_tup_del        | 486793
n_tup_hot_upd    | 957822
n_live_tup       | 1477979
n_dead_tup       | 152
last_vacuum      | 2009-02-13 15:00:54.190851-05
last_autovacuum  | 2009-02-13 14:29:05.220037-05
last_analyze     | 2009-02-13 15:00:54.190851-05
last_autoanalyze | 2009-02-13 14:29:05.220037-05

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