> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 02:29:39PM +0200, BogDan Vatra wrote:
>> [..]
>> >> A message for postgresql decision board:
>> >>
>> >> Dear postgresql hackers, if I can do something to push row level
>> >> acl for 8.4 please tell me, I do anything to have this feature,
>> >> it will help me, and I hope many others, this feature will help
>> >> to develop client to postgres applications without a server
>> >> application or tones of triggers and viewers.
>> >
>> > I can understand your pains and you want the row-level security
>> > stuffs to be merged within the vanilla v8.4. However, I would like
>> > you to understand we don't have infinite time to review proposed
>> > features for the upcoming v8.4.
>> I don't want to be to selfish , but AFAIK postgresql is already
>> delayed (according to PostgreSQL_8.4_Development_Plan page
>> "http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_8.4_Development_Plan";
>> beta1 should be out on 1st January 2009), so, what's matter another
>> 2-3 weeks of delay?  Or, maybe, I'm the only one who consider this a
>> *must to have* feature.
> You probably aren't the *only* one, but row-level ACL has unsolved
> math problems in it, which means it's a no go for 8.4.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who need row-level ACL, I was think
I'm only a dreamer. I didn't know row-level ACL has math problems in it,
please, can you give me more details ?

> Any resources you could commit to getting those problems solved for
> 8.5 would be awesome, but no amount of whining for a back-port will
> help you or the project, and frankly, resources committed to a
> back-port will pretty much stall any attempt to get it into 8.5.
> What kinds of resources can you dedicate to the solvable problems, and
> when can you start mobilizing them?

What I can do ?
-I can test it in real applications.
-I'll try to fix math problems.
-I can even try to code. For this I need more help with postgresql internals.
-I can donate or sponsor someone else to do things I can't do or things
what are beyond me.
When can start this? If I find what are the math problems and KaiGai Kohei
can give me *only* the row level ACL patch I'll start to work on it even

I see this feature in December or  January on announce mail list (it was a
call for hackers to test SE-Postgres), back there my English suck much
more the it sucks today, you don't even understand what I wanted to say, I
just hoped someone else will try to push this in 8.4, it seems that was a
bad decision.

Thanks for your reply,


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