Em Ter, 2009-03-10 às 10:23 +0900, ITAGAKI Takahiro escreveu:
> Thanks for testing. Network (or communication between pgbench and postgres)
> seems to be a bottleneck on your machine.

Yes, it is a very poor machine for quicktest. I'll test other
environments tomorrow.

> > Two questions here:
> > 
> > 1) How will be this behavior in a syncrep environment? I don't have one
> > here to test this, yet.
> I think it has relation with hot-standby, but not syncrep.
> Profiling is enabled when stats collector process is running.
> We already run the collector during warm-standby, so profiling would
> be also available on log-shipping slaves.

OK. Thanks.

> > 2) I couldn't find a clear way to disable it. There is one in this patch
> > or are you planning this to future?
> Ah, I forgot sampling should be disabled when track_activities is off.
> I'll fix it in the next patch. Also, I'd better measure overheads
> by the patch.

Will be very nice if I could on/off it. When done, please send us. I'd
like to test it in some stress scenarios, enabling and disabling it on
some environment and comparing with my old benchmarks.

Dickson S. Guedes 
mail/xmpp: gue...@guedesoft.net - skype: guediz
http://guedesoft.net - http://planeta.postgresql.org.br

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