On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Tomasz Olszak <tols...@o2.pl> wrote:

> So it looks like that plperlu function is executing from remote and local
> clients with the same set of environment variable.

It has nothing to do with the environment variables.

> So I don't have a clue how can I iron out this issue.

Finally, my low-level Oracle knowledge does benefit Postgres :)

It's a TNS parsing error due to a combination of Oracle's use of a Lispish
s-expression-like name-value pair format and Postgres' process listing
format for remote connections.

On connection, the Oracle client sends the current application name to the
Oracle server (which is listed in the V$SESSION view); in the case of
Postgres, the program name is the current backend process name text.
Because Oracle picks up Postgres' backend text, "postgres: www postgres", the (13243) screws up Oracle's TNS parser which
prevents it from resolving the connection.  This doesn't happen when you're
connected to PG locally, because the backend text is, "postgres: www
postgres [local]".

The solution to this is to change the following line in

remote_port[0] == '\0' ? "%s" : "%s(%s)"


remote_port[0] == '\0' ? "%s" : "%s[%s]"
remote_port[0] == '\0' ? "%s" : "%s:%s"

Which I would prefer as a nice change to make overall.

Jonah H. Harris, Senior DBA

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