
pg_migrator alpha 5 results
from PostgreSQL 8.3.7 to 8.4cvs

Centos 5.2 x86_64 GNU/Linux

pg_migrator ran without errors.

Of 120 tables, all smaller tables
have the correct rowcount, but all
larger tables are 'truncated' at
around 10 million rows.  I haven't
looked at table content.

     8.3        8.4cvs
 | rowcount  | rowcount |
 |  7708808  |  7708808 |
 | 10189986  |  9826926 |
 |  2598808  |  2598808 |
 |  6074119  |  6074119 |
 | 13563559  |  9830128 |
 | 13597969  |  9830114 |
 | 23507096  |  9829964 |
 | 15517779  |  9805163 |
 | 12618858  |  9829974 |
 | 11127521  |  9829902 |
 |  4728763  |  4728763 |
 |  4728763  |  4728763 |
 | 61193699  |  9173790 |
 |  1968328  |  1968328 |
 | 53213115  |  9823165 |
 | 31601320  |  9830060 |

One complication: I hadn't noticed
that there were 2 tables with a not yet
installed datatype.  These tables were
simply not created by the pg_migrator-run.

I don't know how this influenced the results,
but I'll repeat it in the coming days.

Erik Rijkers

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