Em Sáb, 2009-05-16 às 23:40 -0400, Tom Lane escreveu:
> "Dickson S. Guedes" <lis...@guedesoft.net> writes:
> > Is a simple "SELECT generate_series(now(), CAST('infinity'::date AS
> > timestamp), interval '1 hour');" working forever, an expected
> > behavior?
> Uh, what were you expecting it to do?

Perhaps, a HINT?

> Actually, I believe it will fail eventually when the repeated additions
> overflow ... in 294277 AD.  So you've got about 2 billion timestamp
> additions to wait through.

A customer are porting his application to 8.4, and are using a query
like that. Someone unintentionally included a "infinity" date and that
query have been running until they see the test server memory at 99% and
cpu at 100%.

I suggested him to use LIMIT.

Dickson S. Guedes 
mail/xmpp: gue...@guedesoft.net - skype: guediz
http://guedesoft.net - http://www.postgresql.org.br

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