Hi, all

Reading libpq code( PQexec() ), I cann't find measure for thread safety.

Read libpq doc, there are some words:
One thread restriction is that no two threads attempt to manipulate the same 
PGconn object at the same time. In particular, you cannot issue concurrent 
commands from different threads through the same connection object. (If you 
need to run concurrent commands, use multiple connections.)

I dont't think it is a good idea. Should libpq do something for issure the 
true thread safety?

ODBC specilization said:
On multithread operating systems, drivers must be thread-safe. That is, it 
must be possible for applications to use the same handle on more than one 
thread. How this is achieved is driver-specific, and it is likely that 
drivers will serialize any attempts to concurrently use the same handle on 
two different threads.

Applications commonly use multiple threads instead of asynchronous 
processing. The application creates a separate thread, calls an ODBC 
function on it, and then continues processing on the main thread. Rather 
than having to continually poll the asynchronous function, as is the case 
when the SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_ENABLE statement attribute is used, the application 
can simply let the newly created thread finish.

Functions that accept a statement handle and are running on one thread can 
be canceled by calling SQLCancel with the same statement handle from another 
thread. Although drivers should not serialize the use of SQLCancel in this 
manner, there is no guarantee that calling SQLCancel will actually cancel 
the function running on the other thread.

Any ideas?



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