Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> Another way of handling this might be to provide for prepending or 
> appending to the search path (or even for removing items from it).

I was just about to raise that as a requirement.  Some folks on this
list might recognize the following coding pattern:

        create schema rhn_channel;

        --make rhn_channel be the default creation schema
        update pg_settings set setting = 'rhn_channel,' || setting where name = 

        ... create a bunch of objects in schema rhn_channel ...

        -- restore the original setting
        update pg_settings set setting = overlay( setting placing '' from 1 for 
(length('rhn_channel')+1) ) where name = 'search_path';

I agree that a nicer way to do that would be good.

>     alter database foo set search_path = '+bar, baz'; -- append
>     alter database foo set search_path = 'bar, baz+'; -- prepend

... but that ain't it :-(.  SET should mean SET, not "do something magic".
Particularly in ALTER DATABASE/ALTER USER, whose execution order
relative to other stuff isn't especially well defined.

                        regards, tom lane

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