* Markus Wanner <mar...@bluegap.ch> [090529 11:06]:
> Hi,

> Comparison of the head of each branch between git and CVS (modulo CVS  
> keyword expansion, which I've filtered out):

How did you filter it out, and without the filtering out, how does it

> I plan to compare the tags as well and test what branch they are in, but 
> so far cvs2git seems to hold its promises. I'll report back again within 
> the next few days.

It definitely seems to have figured out the REL8_0_0 confusing that
tripped up parsecvs.  If I'm stuck on another windows project some time
in the near future, I'll try and look into why parsecvs trips up on
those 3 files from REL8_0_0 branch ;-)


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
ai...@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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