Robert Haas wrote:

The arguments that were put forward for switching to git all had to do
with managing patches against HEAD.  AFAIK hardly anyone but the core
committers deals with back-patching at all, and so a structure like this
isn't going to affect anyone else --- you'd just ignore the back-branch
directory subtrees in your checkout.

If we're going to do that let's just keep using CVS. I would consider a repository organized that way to be completely unusable; without doing anything the system we have now is better than that.

The only reason Tom sees a single line history is because he uses an addon tool for CVS called cvs2cl: see <>. It's not part of CVS, and I'm not sure how many others use it. I sure don't. It's written in Perl, and we have one or two tolerably competent Perl programmers around, so maybe we could produce a git equivalent?



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