Tom Lane wrote:
Gevik Babakhani <> writes:
I was wondering what the philosophy is behind letting an "ambiguous" function be created in the first place. Is this for backwards compatibility or perhaps for historical reasons?

Neither; it's a feature, and one we quite like.  For example, would you
really prefer that the six different versions of abs() had to have
different names?

regression=# \df abs
                          List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+------+------------------+---------------------+--------
 pg_catalog | abs  | bigint           | bigint              | normal
 pg_catalog | abs  | double precision | double precision    | normal
 pg_catalog | abs  | integer          | integer             | normal
 pg_catalog | abs  | numeric          | numeric             | normal
 pg_catalog | abs  | real             | real                | normal
 pg_catalog | abs  | smallint         | smallint            | normal
(6 rows)

Even if you were willing to do that, what about the forty-seven
distinct versions of "+"?  Overloaded operators are not fundamentally
different from overloaded functions.

                        regards, tom lane

I understand the value of this future. This basically means that one has to keep the function naming and argument types as simple as logically possible in order to avoid situations like I described in my previous example.

(Sorry for bothering you with questions likes this. I am trying to understand PG)


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