I'm currently doing some benchmarking on a Nehalem box(http://www.kaltenbrunner.cc/blog/index.php?/archives/26-Benchmarking-8.4-Chapter-1Read-Only-workloads.html) with 8.4 and while investigating what looks like issues in pgbench I also noticed that using char() has more than a negligable overhead on some (very special) readonly(!) workloads.

for example running sysbench in read-only mode against 8.4 results in a profile(for the full run) that looks similiar to:

samples  %        symbol name
981690   11.0656  bcTruelen
359183    4.0487  index_getnext
311128    3.5070  AllocSetAlloc
272330    3.0697  hash_search_with_hash_value
258157    2.9099  LWLockAcquire
195673    2.2056  _bt_compare
190303    2.1451  slot_deform_tuple
168101    1.8948  PostgresMain
164191    1.8508  _bt_checkkeys
126110    1.4215  FunctionCall2
123965    1.3973  SearchCatCache
120629    1.3597  LWLockRelease

the default sysbench mode actually uses a number of different queries and the ones dealing with char() are actually only a small part of the full set of queries sent.
The specific query is causing bcTruelen to show up in the profile is:

"SELECT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 order by c" where the parameters are for example
$1 = '5009559', $2 = '5009658' - ie ranges of 100.

benchmarking only that query results in:

samples  %        symbol name
2148182  23.5861  bcTruelen
369463    4.0565  index_getnext
362784    3.9832  AllocSetAlloc
284198    3.1204  slot_deform_tuple
185279    2.0343  _bt_checkkeys
180119    1.9776  LWLockAcquire
172733    1.8965  appendBinaryStringInfo
144158    1.5828  internal_putbytes
141040    1.5486  AllocSetFree
138093    1.5162  printtup
124255    1.3643  hash_search_with_hash_value
117054    1.2852  heap_form_minimal_tuple

at around 46000 queries/s

changing the fault sysbench schema from:

                             Table "public.sbtest"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('sbtest_id_seq'::regclass)
 k      | integer        | not null default 0
 c      | character(120) | not null default ''::bpchar
 pad    | character(60)  | not null default ''::bpchar
    "sbtest_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "k" btree (k)

                              Table "public.sbtest"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('sbtest_id_seq'::regclass)
 k      | integer           | not null default 0
 c      | character varying | not null default ''::character varying
 pad    | character(60)     | not null default ''::bpchar
    "sbtest_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "k" btree (k)

results in a near 50%(!) speedup in terms of tps to around 67000 queries/s. This is however an extreme case because the c column actually contains no data at all (except for an empty string).

the profile for the changed testcase looks like:
430797    5.2222  index_getnext
396750    4.8095  AllocSetAlloc
345508    4.1883  slot_deform_tuple
228222    2.7666  appendBinaryStringInfo
227766    2.7610  _bt_checkkeys
193818    2.3495  LWLockAcquire
179925    2.1811  internal_putbytes
168871    2.0471  printtup
152026    1.8429  AllocSetFree
146333    1.7739  heap_form_minimal_tuple
144305    1.7493  FunctionCall2
128320    1.5555  hash_search_with_hash_value

at the very least we should reconsider this part of our docs:

" There is no performance difference between these three types, apart from increased storage space when using the blank-padded type, and a few extra CPU cycles to check the length when storing into a length-constrained column."

from http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/datatype-character.html



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