I was testing pg_migrator the other day on the regression database,
and found out that it doesn't work:

Restoring database schema                                   
psql:/home/postgres/pg_migrator_dump_db.sql:4545: ERROR:  column 
"........pg.dropped.1........" of relation "dropcolumnchild" does not exist

Some investigation found out the reason.  pg_migrator needs to be able
to create tables that exactly match the physical column layout of the
old database, including dropped columns if any.  The way that it does
this is that the --binary-upgrade switch added to pg_dump causes pg_dump
to go ahead and include dropped columns in CREATE TABLE commands, and
then immediately drop them.  That's okay for simple tables, but it's
got exactly zero hope of working in inheritance scenarios.  A column
that was created and later dropped in a parent table might or might not
exist (though now dropped) in child tables.

More generally, the approach is fatally broken for inheritance children
even if they contain no dropped columns.  Adding a column to a parent
table results in child-table column ordering that is different from what
you get after a dump and reload, for example after

        create table p (f1 int, f2 int);
        create table c (f3 int) inherits (p);
        alter table p add column f4 int;

the column order in c is f1,f2,f3,f4 ... but after dump and reload
it will be f1,f2,f4,f3, because f4 will be part of the initial
definition of p rather than getting tacked on later.

We understood years ago that pg_dump has to take extra measures to deal
with this --- that's why it has to use COPY with a column list.

The only solution I can see that has a chance of working without a
massive amount of new logic in pg_dump is to change the way that
inheritance is managed.  Instead of dumping the above situation as

        create table p (f1 int, f2 int, f4 int);
        create table c (f3 int) inherits (p);

I propose that when --binary-upgrade is active, it should be dumped as

        create table p (f1 int, f2 int, f4 int);
        create table c (f1 int, f2 int, f4 int, f3 int);
        alter table c add inherit p;

(It's a good thing we added ADD INHERIT in 8.4, or we'd be completely
up the creek here.)  In this way we can ensure that the physical order
of columns really is what it needs to be in the child table.  Dropped
columns can then be managed in the same way as the current code does,
but it'll actually work.  (We have to drop them before doing the
ADD INHERIT of course.)


                        regards, tom lane

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