On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Robert Haas<robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Second, I am wondering whether Heikki feels that it would be useful to
> assign round-robin reviewers for this patch, or whether he's going to
> be the principal reviewer himself.  We could assign either a reviewer
> (or reviewers) to the whole patch, or we could assign reviewers to
> particular chunks of the patch, such as the signal handling piece.

Hmm, taking a look at the wiki, I see that Simon's name is listed for
this patch as a reviewer already.  Assuming that's a point of view
that Simon agrees with and not the result of his name having been
added by someone else, I guess the question is whether we need
additional reviewers here beyond Heikki and Simon.


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