On Jul 8, 2009, at 3:57 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Tom Lane<t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
It's pretty much all-or-nothing now: the GUC does not give you any sort
of useful control over *which* joins are reorderable.

Yes.  So the way I see it, the options are:

1. We can remove join_collapse_limit completely and provide no
substitute.  In this case, the ability to explicitly specify the join
order will be gone.

2. We can remove join_collapse_limit but provide a different, Boolean
GUC instead, like enable_join_reordering.  In this case, we're not
actually reducing the number of GUCs, just the size of the foot-gun.

3. We can remove join_collapse_limit and provide an alternative way to
explicitly specify the join order that is more flexible.  This both
reduces the number of GUCs and arguably provides some useful
functionality that we don't have now.

It sounds like your vote is for #2, which, as I say, seems like a
feature with one arm tied behind its back, but hey, what do I know?

Well, the reason I'm not voting for #3 is that it looks like a lot of
work to implement something that would basically be a planner hint,
which I'm generally against; furthermore, it's a hint that there's been no demand for. (We're not even certain that anyone is using the ability
to *fully* specify the join order, much less wanting some undetermined
compromise between manual and automatic control.)  And anyway I didn't
hear anyone volunteering to do it.  So the realistic alternatives are
#1, #2, or "do nothing"; and out of those I like #2.

That was my first reaction too, but now I'm wondering whether we shouldn't just do #1. #2 is a planner hint, too, just not a very good one. If, as you suggest, it isn't actually useful, then why keep it at all? (On the other hand, if someone thinks they need it, it would be interesting to know the use case, and think about the best way to address it.)

Accepting that as the consensus in the absence of contrary votes, we
still need to decide what to do about from_collapse_threshold and
geqo_threshold.  I'm pretty sure that we shouldn't eliminate GEQO or
geqo_threshold, because the basic algorithm is clearly exponential
time and eventually you have to start worrying about that, but we
could raise the value.  What to do about from_collapse_threshold is
less clear to me.

I do not think there is a good argument for eliminating geqo_threshold.
There might well be an argument for cranking up its default value;
but that would take some hard data, which seems lacking at the moment.

I'm on the fence about from_collapse_threshold. The argument for having
it seems to be that there might be cases where not folding a subquery
is preferable to folding it and then taking your chances with GEQO.
But I'm not really convinced there are any.

Me either. You could probably get the same effect in other ways if you actually needed it, like OFFSET 0 or wrapping the subquery in a SRF. I'm leaning more and more toward thinking we should just nuke it.

It occurs to me that one way to make GEQO less scary would be to take
out the nondeterminism by resetting its random number generator for
each query.  You might get a good plan or an awful one, but at least
it'd be the same one each time.  DBAs like predictability.

Hmm, that doesn't sound appealing to me, but I'm only a DBA at need.


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