On Jul 11, 2009, at 12:12 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Theo Schlossnagle <je...@omniti.com> writes:
I would think it would be txns that would be reading that table, but
I'm thinking it is a bit to aggressive.  Am I reading the code wrong
there?  I'm thinking it should be more selective about vxids it
chooses to block on.  I'd expect it to block on vxids touching the
same table only.

There is no way to know whether a currently active vxid will try to look
at the other table later.  We can not just ignore this case...

                        regards, tom lane

Can't you know "that" if the other active query in question is a concurrent index build?

Concurrent index builds by their current implementation cannot exist within another transaction, so you know everythere there is to know about that transaction by looking at it (no risk of prior or future work).

While very much unlike a vacuum (a special exclusion in concurrent index builds), they still seem to constitute a "special case" for exclusion.

Happy to be wrong here, I really haven't completely digested the code.

Theo Schlossnagle
p: +1.443.325.1357 x201   f: +1.410.872.4911

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